2008. július 14., hétfő
Első Borom / My first wine
I my first wine I prepared it at home on the plain where I was born from the few capitals inherited from my grandfather mentioned already. Actually 3 capitals Othello, approximately in the previous year at least, 15-20 kg of his crop was discounting it that the family filched, so much remained with a word onto processing. His processing tiny one turned out late because I was not able to fetch this unfortunately in time home only so much happened that in autumn took approximately the front of November his middle tájt and I was able to digest it at the time of Christmas only on the other hand.For this gratitude I prepared ice wine at the first try.bar his sugar degree in this manner that he was harvested late too and digested 24 were degrees, which is a really good bar really, on one being late especially succeeded on a truth full wine to prepare. But reached away the driving belt and I decided in that manner I need even more wine. I started hunting because of this after an area like that where it is possible to install a couple of capitals with a good position and wine may be born from him even, not I develop the home economy on the other hand in a last row, my plan ,that I double the 3 capitals you are yet somewhat more make that let that 30-40 litres of wine turn up at least from that kind. Although they will be hitters or obstacles there because of that at the back because of that I test it. Gratitude a kind like that grape what demands most little nurture dared quasi game.spraying him is canceled in this manner so evidently totally bio will be wine from him :) .I may say it till now came in because the previous was not edited in a year and before it, the cutting was done only though now although this counts as a tiny progress compared to the situation before this already.
Bor info / Wine info
Manapság mindenki legalábbis nagyon sokan úgy vélik bort készíteni könnyű.Kijelenthetem nem én kipróbáltam mert azt hittem de kemény fába vágtam a fejszém. Bízván viszont magamban úgy döntöttem mégis megpróbálom.Az eredmény elsőre 10 liter bor az nem rossz de amit küzdöttem vele az legalább háromszor annyi volt.Szóval itt bárki kérdezhet aki ugyanúgy mint én érez magában némi affinitást az iránt, hogy bort készítsen.
Készülőben van egy könyvem is éppen erre a témára összpontosítva bor kezdőknek a kezdetektől, ahonnan én is indultam.De erről majd később.
Nowadays everybody very many people believe it to prepare wine in that manner at least easy.I may declare it not I tried it because I believed it but I started hard tree my felling axe. I decided it after all trusting myself on the other hand in that manner I test it.the result at the first try 10 litres of wine it not bad but that I fought it was so much at least three times with him.anybody may ask here with a word who likewise than I feels some affinity for it alone in order for him to prepare wine.
2008. július 8., kedd
Blog kezdet / Blog beginning
Terveim köz van egy könyv írásának az elkészítése melyből talán még részletesebben olvashat mindenki az itt talált információkról.
This blog the wine is being made for the lovers of making because of that that let the everyday man be allowed to have a taste of the mysteries of the wine, his making. My plans alley the writing of a book has the completion from which one everybody may read even in detail possibly from the informations found here. Everybody may read all this on an English language here!